Clay Hill Corners Carol Stedman
390 Clay Hill Rd 802 296-2032
Hartland, VT 05048 [email protected]
Neighborhood farmers joining together collectively to provide superior local foods at a great price. We use natural and sustainable farming methods, striving to reduce dependence on foreign oil and encouraging small farm producers within the local economy.
Contract: Spring CSA-May 3 through July 2, 2009- 9 weeks
Participants Needed: A maximum of 20 households to participate, signed up in advance.
Cost: $270 paid in advance ($30/week). You may pay in full at the time of sign up or hold a place with a $100 deposit. Payment in full is due before April 15, 2009.
Your Commitment is for nine-weeks. Products will be delivered to the Woodstock UU Church weekly immediately after the Sunday service (11AM) or may be picked up on Thursday or Sunday afternoons between 5 and 7PM at 390 Clay Hill Rd, Hartland, VT. You may choose which pick up. Sunday church participants are responsible for pick up even if they are not at church.
Our Commitment: A weekly box or bag of fresh farm products from Clay Hill Collective valued above $30 which may include one or more items from each of these categories:
eggs salad greens, scallions granola strawberries quiche
lettuce radishes homemade jams bread
kale canned tomatoes rhubarb pies fresh herbs condiments prepared salads soups
Your Name____________________________________________________________________
Home Phone_______________________________ Other Phone__________________________
Please circle pick up date and location: Sunday 11AM Woodstock UU Church or
Thursday after 5PM until 7PM at 390 Clay Hill Rd, Hartland or
Sunday after 5PM until 7PM at 390 Clay Hill Rd, Hartland
Do you have any dietary restrictions, food allergies, or preferences? Because we are small, we can accommodate some dietary restrictions.
Please specify________________________________________________________________
Your Signature indicates that you agree to participate in our Spring CSA for the full nine weeks and you have paid a $100 deposit or paid in full.
Deposit date and amount_________________Paid in full date and amount_____________
Please check here if you would like to be part of our Summer CSA(July through September)_________and /or Winter CSA (October through November) _____________.